reducing emissions

identifying net-zero compatible innovations



2016 – ongoing







Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 23 participating countries and the European Union, launched at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015 on behalf of the EU to combat climate change. Its mission is to dramatically accelerate global clean energy innovation and make clean energy widely affordable and reliable: drastically accelerating the Clean Energy Revolution.  

As part of the initiative, the 23 countries supporting this global initiative are asked to double their Government clean energy Research & Development investment over five years. Between them these countries represent over 80% of global R&D clean energy budgets. Alongside this commitment, MI sets out to encourage greater private sector investment in transformative clean energy technologies.


the challenge

Design and build a web-platform which enables funders and investors to identify solutions and technologies that can contribute to reducing greenhouse gases, so called 'avoided emissions'.

Develop a Wiki-verison of the draft Framework for Avoided Emissions on the site, for Stakeholders to comment on directly.


our solution

A dynamic online platform, which is central to the Mission Innovation Solution Framework action plan. It is updated with a countdown to each Mission Innovation Ministerial Meeting, and current innovative clean energy solution developments.

Additional supporting MI member publications and reports provide background information and further detail on defined frameworks, which evolve according to identified needs and developments.



A strong presence at COP26 and ongoing collaboration with investors, contributors and innovators to raise the profile of the Clean Energy Revolution.

“One thing that I think is extremely valuable is your capacity to be flexible and evolve during the process, if required. The feeling of a mutual journey is something I very much appreciate.”

Dennis Pamlin, Senior Advisor, RISE


The fluid particles of the visual language are adaptable for animation and static graphics, evolving to form the identity and graphic devices.

Striking overhead photography of a diverse range of locations on planet Earth places the environment that we currently live in at the heart of all innovation developments.


Documents setting out pathways for future innovations.


Framework documents provide context and guidance for investors.


brain pollution


reset – lessons from lockdown